

2024-01-29 05:45:57 责编:宋帅帅 1421浏览

The Rolex "Coke" bezel is a highly sought after feature in the watch industry. This bezel features a red and black design, resembling a coke or cola can, and is often paired with a black dial Rolex model. The Coke bezel has been a popular choice among Rolex collectors since its inception in the 1950s.

As for the availability of the Coke bezel specifically, it is difficult to determine an exact number. Rolex produces a limited number of each model annually and the Coke bezel is often in high demand, leading to a waiting list. Additionally, the Coke bezel is only available on select Rolex models such as the GMT-Master II, which further limits its availability.

However, it is safe to say that the Coke bezel is not as common as other Rolex bezel styles such as the Pepsi or the standard black bezel. The rarity and demand of the Coke bezel only adds to its allure and makes it a highly sought after feature for collectors and enthusiasts alike.

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